Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The Dreaded Prelims (2)

You know I can't let you go for exams without my usual here it is again in case you are missing it :)

2) Don't PANIC
3) Drink lots of WATER (throughout the exam period, not during the paper....don't want you leaving during the paper for toilet breaks)
4) RELAX when you need to
5) YOU CAN DO IT! (what a cliche, but this is my most encouraging phrase)

All the best for all the exams!
*It's the 2nd last one!! Going to be over soon!*
p.s. this is the exact same message as what i posted on sept 22, 2006. gee...i'm seriously naggy...sigh. do remember me nagging when you do the exam, hopefully it'll give you inspiration :)

Clarifications of VJC essay questions

Here are some clarifications of the VJC essay questions that I put up a few days ago:
Q2 - New media: any new form of media that is more interactive and multi-functional e.g. blogs, webcasts, video games/internet games that are interactive/simulations of reality, file sharing media etc. Some of the issues that you can discuss are how these empower people, simulates real-life situations, provides alternative to our mundane, everyday life

Q8 - artist: different dictionaries have different definition of this word but i think the question allows for artist to be defined as someone who produces works in any of the arts (i.e. painting, dancing, film etc). (compare this with 'Artiste', which refers to someone who entertains)

Q7 (I think: the science question) - I don't think the social sciences should be discussed in this question so pls ignore the section about social sciences

The Dreaded Prelims (1)

After growing roots outside the staffroom yesterday and revising some of the key skills of essay and compre, I realised they sounded seriously familiar...and they are! I posted this list of key skills before promos last year...other than AQ and some other minor additions (in red), it's the exact same list!

So here it is...

1) Use Your Own Words As Far As Possible = Use Your Own Words EVERYWHERE. This is a clue that the answer is from the passage, at least a part of the answer can be directly paraphrased from the passage

2) Explain what the writer means by "..." = Paraphrase all the words in "..."

3) Summary = Read the question, highlight points, count number of points, paraphrase, paraphrase...have I mentioned PARAPHRASE??

4) Clues = these little people are helping you everywhere...the : and ; and -- and (..) , as well as terms with positive or negative connotations

5) Metaphor = Introduce the lovely 'Just as....' and explain the literal and metaphorical meaning

6) Irony = How can you explain a contradiction without the help of 'yet', 'but' or 'however'??? Same thing for paradox question

7) Tone & Attitude = Remember that page in 'Just do it' (page 101!!!)? Tear it out, burn it and drink it! Spell sarcasm correctly!!

8) 3 mark question = 3 or 6 points. Duh?! Why give only 3 when there are 6 in the passage?

9) Vocab = if 'essential is 'very important', why throw away half a mark and write 'important' just to save some ink?

10) Inference Questions = erm...are there any rules? Hopefully they will be simple!

11) Explain the purpose of/why the writer uses (word, italics, inverted commas etc) = He wants to emphasise/highlight...

12) Common sense question = hmmm....


1) Pls READ the questions and ANSWER them LOGICALLY!

2) Stand = This means to give a clear answer to the question(s) in your first sentence. Don't waste time on a lengthy intro.

3) Quote = The writer of passage 1 says that "...." : Quotes must be related to the lead-in. Don't leave the quotes hanging in mid-air, make sure you make references back to the key idea of the quote. Always quote from all the passages given to you!

4) Agree/disagree with writer = explain whether he is realistic/idealistic, superficial/logical, naive or reasonable....pls refer to 'The Dreaded Application Question (2)"!

5) Relevance to your society = meritocracy, Asian society, pragmatic, global citizens....refer to the Singapore issues handout.

6) Balance = try to give a balance if you have time. Layer your argument or give a point that is different from your stand and show how a minority may behave this way.


1) Question types = Absolute questions (no extent pls), appeal & drawbacks questions....all these are simple types as long as you know the topic. Other types include - inclusive-exclusive (remember the egg?), 'far too much' (discuss whether there are problems or whether its unnecessary)...look through your review lecture

2) PRESM, Level Analysis = these are your best friends especially for 'appeal/drawback' or 'significance' questions

3) Para development = every para should have topic sentence, elaboration, example, concluding statement...this is the 101th time, I'm getting naggy! Give general trends (increase/decrease) if you really can't think of specific e.g.

4) Balance = most questions need a balance. If you can, tackle the general public's assumption or the view that is different from yours first and attack that view. OR choose whatever method to balance that makes the most sense. There is no hard and fast rule. Most importantly, remember your stand and don't contradict yourself. Don't say "However, I agree to a small extent that technology is always good"
Even if you are writing a paragraph supporting your own argument, you can always put in a sentence or two to acknowledge some opposing views that critics have.

5) Intro & Conclusion = Don't give one line intro or conclusion! Revise the worksheet (and every other worksheet I've given you!) Intro should be a 2-pronged one, giving both the opposing view and your ultimate stand (e.g. Although technology certainly brings benefits, it is an exaggeration to claim that it always benefits us)

6) A higher level = think of different groups of people who may have different experiences, think of the impact of globalisation/media/science, think of words that may have more than its superficial meanings (e.g. is image only about a person's appearance? Is travelling only about the usual tourism?)

7) How, Why, So = always think of reasons and implications - this is what makes up your evaluation for both essay and AQ. If you are suggesting measures, you should consider effectiveness as well

8) Lecture notes & Sample essays = READ them! Read for inspiration, examples and likely points

10) PLAN (max 1/2 hour) & check Spelling, Punctuation, Expression & Grammar

AJC MY 2006 Compre - Answers

Here are the answers for the AJC MY 2006 compre that I went through with some of you during remedial or consultation.

AJC MY 06 Answers

Q1-3, 8 are nice questions about the use of quotation marks, attitudes, stereotypes and illusion so you might want to just try on your own if you haven't done it.

I actually changed the AQ question when I put up the compre questions earlier...I added in the question about challenges. Pls remember that according to the Cambridge dictionary,
challenges - (the situation of being faced with) something needing great mental or physical effort in order to be done successfully and which therefore tests a person's ability:
Challenges are NOT simply problems, they are something to be overcome to attain a goal. So possible challenges for this question would be "to ensure that people are responsible in using their freedom", "to ensure that people do not abuse their freedom".
When discussing challenges you should explain WHY these challenges surface and how to OVERCOME them


Sunday, August 26, 2007

Answers for previous session's Sat remedial (VJC Prelim 05)

Here are the answers and slides for the remedial that I took the last time (on social surveillance)...odd how nobody asked me for it.
I'm putting it up so that you can revise the skills again (words in red remember?) and check your vocab answers

VJC Prelim 05 answers
My slides


Answers for Sat remedial (25/8)

I've already posted this on litespeed but here it is again, just in case

ACJC Prelim 06 Answers
My PPT slides

Just a gentle reminder...other than the words that you can learn how to paraphrase, it's the skills that you should take note of (i.e. the words in red in my ppt slides)


Friday, August 24, 2007

Compre and essay practice during study leave

NOTE!! I've added in the outlines for the essay questions

Here are 2 comprehensions and 1 set of essay qn that you can try in order to prepare for the prelims. I've included the answers for those of you who are trying it on your own. I'll go through with those who are seeing me for consultation.

TJC MY 07 Passage
TJC MY 07 Qn
TJC MY 07 Answers

RJC MY 07 Passage/Qn
RJC MY 07 Answers

VJC MY 07 Essays
VJC MY 07 Outlines

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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Are the young prepared to leader Singapore into the 21st century?

Saw all 3 of my classes today....shall blog about them the same way that they blog about teachers (albeit in better English and with more in-depth evaluation)

AQ question: Passage 1 suggests reasons why the young are prepared to lead Singapore into the 21st century. To what extent do you agree?

Main quote from passage: "Youths today are prepared because they are inquisitive, innovative and have the ability to think critically"

Stand: I agree to a large extent because the writer gives an objective and logical argument

Quote 1: "Youths are inquisitive"
E.g.: Gp D - gossipy => spent 15 min asking abt my salary (happy guessing!) and gossiping about single sex schools
Evaluation: They are resourceful and able to conduct research and gather information (esp gossip) for themselves. This is necessary to ensure that Singapore continues to be at the forefront of R&D

Quote 2: "Youths have the ability to think critically"
E.g.: Gp E - perpetual look of awe when I mention things for the 10th time. Probably applies to all the rest as well, just more obvious in this class today => spent 15 min trying to convince me that I've never talked to them about Aung San Suu Kyi before (do I see question marks appearing over the heads of my other students??). At other times they just like to divert my attention to other non-GP matters (e.g. testing my hearing)
Evaluation: They are able to discern between right and wrong in a world that is dominated by media and constantly bombards people with information (esp info that has been repeated a million times). They are also able to make informed choices and decisions (such as whether they shld allow the teacher to continue her lesson) that will continue to ensure Singapore's success.

Quote 3: "Youths are innovative"
Gp H - cannot give out/collect handouts properly => spent 15 min trying to make sure that 23 people (gasp! so many!!) receive the same handouts. There are always some hidden papers lying under someone's file or bag that can be blamed on some phantom visiting student
Evaluation: They are able to find new and creative ways to solve problems (as well as create problems, such as finding different ways to lose their handouts)

Implications - Although youths today possess strong qualities to lead Singapore into the 21st century, they need to ensure that they cultivate compassion (e.g. allowing the teacher finish going through essay outlines in peace) and cultural intelligence (e.g. understand why the teacher has no choice but to be naggy and mean after marking essays/AQs where the word 'extent' is still spelt wrongly after 2yrs).

Conclusion - Youths today are indeed ready to lead Singapore into the 21st century (Hmm...which country shall I migrate to after retirement...NZ, Canada, Antartica?)

Prediction - 2 days later...
Student 1 - You tink she suaning us in the blog?
Student 2 - Har, wat's the address of her blog? upside...someting, someting...
Student 3 - She always velly free hor, do this kind of funny ting

Sat Remedial Passages & Answers (NJC Midyr 06)

For those who need the passages, here they are. The answers as well for the rest of you.

NJC MY 06 passages
NJC MY 06 answers


CT3 Sample AQ (Freedom, A-level 06) & essay outlines

To reward those who come regularly, am posting up more things tonight :)

Sample AQ
Essay outlines

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Sunday, August 19, 2007

Homework for Week 9 Remedial

For those of you who are seeing me in week 9, pls try the AQ for AJC MidYr 06. For the rest of you, you can try it on your own. I'll put up the answers later


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Saturday, August 18, 2007

AQ handout

You should already have this handout!!! But in case you've lost it, here it is in soft copy...

The main thing about AQ is read the question and answer it logically with reference to the passage. So you should refer to this handout together with the one I just gave out yesterday with all the possible AQ questions gleaned from the 2007 mid-yr exams from other schools (will go through it with D4 and E4 next week)


AQ handout

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Singapore video

Nope, this is neither propaganda, nor just a fun's a good way to consolidate some ideas about Singapore (useful for AQ!)...don't worry, it's very entertaining!

We live in Singapura - MTV version , Hossan Leong version
Ruby Pan (about Singlish and identity) - Ruby Pan

You can do a search in Youtube for 'Talking Cock in Parliament' for some interesting views about Singapore policies

Saturday, August 11, 2007

The Real National Day Song

This song is quite well done...cheered me up a little in the midst of marking scary AQs and giving so many 1/2 marks I nearly cried. Be prepared for lots of scolding and nagging about AQ next week...don't know what happened for this paper, sigh.

Youtube Video/Song

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

NJC Prelim 04 AQ (Religion)

This is the answer for the NJC AQ. Some of you looked a bit confused when I asked whether you had a balance in your answer. If you can't remember how to do a proper AQ, pls revise the handouts that I have given for AQ, especially 'The Dreaded Application Question (2)'. You should try to give a balance in your answer to get a better mark

NJC Prelim 04 AQ


Sat Remedial - VJC Prelim 2005 (4/8)

Here are the slides I used during the remedial and the full answer scheme. Do check your vocab answers

VJC Prelim Answer Scheme
VJC Prelim ppt slides

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Sorting Quiz

This is for Harry Potter fans...find out which house you belong to. I'm in sister says that means I'm blur and not very intelligent haha. Anyway, just something to chase away the mid-term blues....