Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Are the young prepared to leader Singapore into the 21st century?

Saw all 3 of my classes today....shall blog about them the same way that they blog about teachers (albeit in better English and with more in-depth evaluation)

AQ question: Passage 1 suggests reasons why the young are prepared to lead Singapore into the 21st century. To what extent do you agree?

Main quote from passage: "Youths today are prepared because they are inquisitive, innovative and have the ability to think critically"

Stand: I agree to a large extent because the writer gives an objective and logical argument

Quote 1: "Youths are inquisitive"
E.g.: Gp D - gossipy => spent 15 min asking abt my salary (happy guessing!) and gossiping about single sex schools
Evaluation: They are resourceful and able to conduct research and gather information (esp gossip) for themselves. This is necessary to ensure that Singapore continues to be at the forefront of R&D

Quote 2: "Youths have the ability to think critically"
E.g.: Gp E - perpetual look of awe when I mention things for the 10th time. Probably applies to all the rest as well, just more obvious in this class today => spent 15 min trying to convince me that I've never talked to them about Aung San Suu Kyi before (do I see question marks appearing over the heads of my other students??). At other times they just like to divert my attention to other non-GP matters (e.g. testing my hearing)
Evaluation: They are able to discern between right and wrong in a world that is dominated by media and constantly bombards people with information (esp info that has been repeated a million times). They are also able to make informed choices and decisions (such as whether they shld allow the teacher to continue her lesson) that will continue to ensure Singapore's success.

Quote 3: "Youths are innovative"
Gp H - cannot give out/collect handouts properly => spent 15 min trying to make sure that 23 people (gasp! so many!!) receive the same handouts. There are always some hidden papers lying under someone's file or bag that can be blamed on some phantom visiting student
Evaluation: They are able to find new and creative ways to solve problems (as well as create problems, such as finding different ways to lose their handouts)

Implications - Although youths today possess strong qualities to lead Singapore into the 21st century, they need to ensure that they cultivate compassion (e.g. allowing the teacher finish going through essay outlines in peace) and cultural intelligence (e.g. understand why the teacher has no choice but to be naggy and mean after marking essays/AQs where the word 'extent' is still spelt wrongly after 2yrs).

Conclusion - Youths today are indeed ready to lead Singapore into the 21st century (Hmm...which country shall I migrate to after retirement...NZ, Canada, Antartica?)

Prediction - 2 days later...
Student 1 - You tink she suaning us in the blog?
Student 2 - Har, wat's the address of her blog? upside...someting, someting...
Student 3 - She always velly free hor, do this kind of funny ting


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