Friday, October 23, 2009

farewell video

the j2s had their graduation ceremony last week and as usual, the graduation video was the highlight...there were some good ones, especially from the math & physics dept. ha, our gp dept is usually more serious...our video this yr was based on some kind of nightmare...was not too bad :)

anyway, here's the mjc's maths dept video. it's quite good...but the song is a bit too long

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

counting down...

sigh...suddenly realised fear can make one really tired...i'm pretty scared for this batch of gp kids...and the pw kids too. spend so much time worrying about them i get too tired to do anything when i get home. think i'll really have to take mc next year when the results come out. sigh...can't relax during hols either 'cos i'll be bringing kids on isle. i think i've really bitten off more than i can chew :P when will this yr end!!?

Thursday, October 15, 2009

My sister's keeper

haha...i actually like some violent movies but agree with sL that it can be stressful. anyway, i went for the preview of my sister's keeper, based on the book by jodi picoult. it's a weepie and more for the girls (sorry, stereotyping!) but examines quite an interesting issue (won't spoil the movie for you, go watch it to find out :)). picoult is not a bad writer although she deals with some pretty bizarre issues at times!

More on Moore

I've been getting regular updates from Michael Moore's (you know the guy who made Bowling for Columbine and Farenheit 911?) websites and found some of them quite interesting. Some of you might want to check it out
Of course he has a tendency to rant and rave, but there is some food for thought too :)

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

School Answering Machine

I love this! Wish we have this in school :)