Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Important dates

Here are some important dates for you to take note:

Week 6 (31/7 - 4/8) - Common Test 2 (Essay)

Week 8 (14/8 - 18/8) - Common Test 2 (Compre)

25th Sep - GP Promotional Exam (veeeery soon!)

Class Presentation

Here are my slides for the class presentation fyi
Presentation slides

Crime & Punishment Lect 2

I've got feedback that I went too fast for Monday's lecture, (sorry about that, next time pls yell so that I know I'm going too fast) so here are the slides for those of you who didn't manage to copy in time. I didn't have time to really go through the last 2 slides on the eclectic approach and the various ways to punish criminals, these are quite important so do look through them again.
C & P slides

When you do revision for C&P, here are some questions to keep in mind:
1) Is there a 'one size fits all' punishment? Can we punish all criminals the same way?
2) Is there a best form of punishment (e.g. imprisonment or death penalty)? Or should we use a variety of methods to punish different kinds of criminals?
For most C&P questions, you should use the rationale for punishment (deterrence, incapacitation....) to support your answers

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Sample Essay - Good looks or Brains?

Been too busy to post things up. Here's a sample essay that is similar to the first question on looks vs brains.

Sample Essay