Saturday, April 26, 2008

Here's what they do with food...

A long, long week...CENSORED (haha, in case current students stumble on this blog...or the moe)

Ok, to prevent this blog from sounding like yet another narcissistic 'welcome to my world' description of my life, here are some cool pictures that cheered me up over the week. I feel like the last 2 pic, sending myself to the juicer, every ounce of energy squeezed out ha.

Hmm...actually the first pic is really rather sadistic, could-have-been-baby-chick in a pram...

walking to his death....
no no! not my brain juice!

Monday, April 21, 2008

there she goes again...ranting and raving

i've been scolding more people this year than i've ever scolded in my entire career (not a very long one...but at least a good 3 yrs :P). i feel that I'm justified in doing so...but realised that i've become a lot more impatient recently. and feeling a lot more incompetent and frustrated

is this a signal that i'm not enjoying what i'm doing anymore? that it's really time to go? i'm starting to become a bore and temperamental fusspot that i'd promised myself never to become. funny thing is, i just received an invitation to an moe 'teaching as a career seminar' today...ha, don't know why i'm receiving it but how ironic...

sad thing is, i'll probably leave behind people who dislike me and leaving to cheers of 'good riddance'...sigh, there goes hopes of leaving behind a good legacy...

just hope that the thing that may force me to stay will not come true...

Sunday, April 06, 2008


Am selling tickets for 2 upcoming concerts that I'm handling. Can buy the tickets through your juniors or through me. Support us pls! :

1) Synergy 08- Nanyang's Got Talent
Date: 11/4/08 (Fri)
Time: 7pm
Venue: LT4
Ticket price: only $2!
This is not your usual Synergy concert. It's more of a talent show, with the teams vying for 4
awards. Should be interesting - magic show, beatboxing, dancing and singing and more! CO,
pugilistics, dance and piano ensemble seniors should come back and support your juniors too
'cos they are our guest performers. And Nathaniel Tan (Project Superstar) is going to be one of
the judges.

2) Aureus Experentia - When East Meets West
Date: 10/5/08
Time: 7pm
Venue: Singapore Conference Hall
Ticket price: $10 or $12
Combined band and guzheng concert. The repertoire for band is quite cool, with pieces such as
Peter & the Wolf and Carmen (pretty well-known pieces, you will recognise it when you hear
it). I think the Guzheng's repertoire should be pretty good too.

And there's the English Drama Night coming up on 18 & 19 April (Singapore Repertory Theatre, $10) and Choir Concert on 21 April (LT4, $5). So many good performances, you don't even need to watch those at VCH or the Esplanade ha!

Local or Foreign Uni?

This is a reply to sL's question. I can't recommend either because it really depends on your own personality and the course you are taking. But my own experience as an exchange student was certainly beneficial, because I learnt to be independent (travelled quite a bit on my own), more tolerant of other cultures and more willing to explore new experiences. If you can afford it, and the uni you are applying for is well-recognised, it can be a worthwhile experience. It will be scary at the beginning but overcoming that helps you to grow too.

Here are some of the pros & cons:

Local Uni
Pros :
- cheap
- close to home (convenience, comfort)
- definitely recognised by companies in Singapore
- can get an 'overseas experience' by participating in an exchange programme
- share a common experience with majority of Singaporeans ("you know that dancing auntie of the char kway teow stall at the nus arts canteen?!")

- no chance to broaden worldview (an SEP still doesn't give you the same experience as a 3 yr course overseas)
- remain in comfort zone

Foreign uni
- broaden worldview, get to experience & understand new cultures
- independence, learn to make decisions and be more street smart
- knowledge of different education systems and cultures sought after by many MNCs
- opportunity to travel, make new friends, see the world
- greater variety and choice of courses and electives

- expensive
- course might not be recognised
- homesickness (this will usually go away after a while)

Thursday, April 03, 2008

cultural intelligence

there's a foreigner/local divide in my new civics class. i've got quite a number of ASEAN students (both scholars & non-scholars) this yr 'cos it's a 4 H2 class. they can't seem to gel very well, very obvious among some of the girls when they are doing group work.

not too sure what to do with them to get them to accept one another's cultural differences and understand that they have a common goal and are not competitors. teaching them about cultural intelligence doesn't quite seem to make them realise that it's actually an advantage for them to have a good mix of cultures.

will be getting them to share personal experiences during civics next week...hope it works :P

choices :P

singapore or canada...
stability or adventure...
sigh...which is the open door?