Wednesday, August 29, 2007

AJC MY 2006 Compre - Answers

Here are the answers for the AJC MY 2006 compre that I went through with some of you during remedial or consultation.

AJC MY 06 Answers

Q1-3, 8 are nice questions about the use of quotation marks, attitudes, stereotypes and illusion so you might want to just try on your own if you haven't done it.

I actually changed the AQ question when I put up the compre questions earlier...I added in the question about challenges. Pls remember that according to the Cambridge dictionary,
challenges - (the situation of being faced with) something needing great mental or physical effort in order to be done successfully and which therefore tests a person's ability:
Challenges are NOT simply problems, they are something to be overcome to attain a goal. So possible challenges for this question would be "to ensure that people are responsible in using their freedom", "to ensure that people do not abuse their freedom".
When discussing challenges you should explain WHY these challenges surface and how to OVERCOME them



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