Thursday, June 22, 2006

For the exams...

The most important thing for GP exam is to have a clear mind so pls sleep early tonight! Choose your question carefully and make sure you paraphrase your compre answers properly.
All the best for tomorrow and the rest of the exams :)

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Essays - the last one

ok, have finally finished marking all the essays. That's a few more good essays to read. And I've also attached an overall analysis of the essays

Main Analysis

Integrity 1
Integrity 2
Integrity 3
Integrity 4
Sport 1
Sport 2
Freedom 2 (good)
Ruthlessness 1
Ruthlessness 2 (rather good arguments)

Essays 3

These are the ones that I've just finished marking. They are the more popular questions...but sadly, with the same common mistakes. Pls note that I've marked out 2 essays from the earlier batches that are not bad and worth learning from

Schools 1
Schools 2
Schools 3
Schools 4
Schools 5 (some stuff here that is rather interesting to read)
Schools 6
Schools 7
Schools 8
Schools 9
Schools 10
Internet 1
Internet 2
Internet 3
Internet 4
Eating 1
Eating 2

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Essays 2

Here is the second batch of essays. I see some common mistakes surfacing so do read through what your friends have written

Choice (good)

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Here are the first batch of essays that I've marked. I don't give exact marks and I don't correct all grammatical errors, just the ones that I think you need to take note of
The purpose of posting the essays is to let you learn from one another because you often make the same mistakes. It's not to embarrass anyone so if you are uncomfortable with having your name revealed to all, just let me know and I'll take it off
Schools (good)
Sport (some good points)

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Exam Seating Plan

Dear GP students from my classes,
Just a reminder that you are to be seated in LT2 for the GP exam on the 23rd. You will be seated according to GP groups so don't get confused if your classmates are not in the same LT as you