Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Answers for Sat remedial (27/7)

Here are the answers for the Sat remedial paper, NYJC Midyr 2003. I've attached Mrs Lim's ppt slides as well for the AQ answers.

Pls note that I will be checking the compre every Friday for those who do not turn up on Sat. This is to make sure that you still get the necessary practice. But you will still miss out on the analysis and explanation if you miss the lessons so pls try not to skip them unless you have no choice.

NYJC Midyr 03 Answers
PPt explanation

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

NY mid-year compre answers and essay outlines

Sigh, another complaint this morning that I don't update this blog. Ok, here are the answers for the summary and AQ and the essay outlines. Enjoy :)

Compre Answers
AQ Answer
Essay outlines


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Some websites for you to take a look

Some people have been complaining that I've not been updating this blog...sorry lah, have been pretty busy...anyway, here are some websites that you can browse on some of the issues that we've been discussing for War&Terrorism and the lectures on religion

Guantanamo Bay - I think someone brought this up when we were doing the AQ. It's a prison for terrorist suspects. It has been in the news for the cruel treatment of the detainees. Check out the Wikipedia summary (may be a little biased) and the many other links suggested at the end of the page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guatanamo_bay

Religion - BBC has pretty good overviews of various topics, here's the link to the religion page http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/wtwtgod/default.stm. The articles "Why Britain doesn't go to church" and "Can religion be blamed for war" are rather interesting. You can also do a search for some of the religious wars mentioned during the lecture and read up on them.

VJC Prelim 2006 (Sat remedial)

Here are the answers for those who missed Sat's remedial. It's a tough paper but good practice...it's time to start getting used to more challenging compre passages.
Just a reminder, although the remedials are not compulsory, it's HIGHLY encouraged. I've got no time to work on compre in class so it's the best time to get some compre practice.

VJC Prelim 2006


Monday, July 02, 2007

Largest Singapore Flag at the Padang

Here's something that some of you might be interested in.

Think Big on National Day 2007
We are looking for 9,600 participants to form the Largest Singapore Flag at the Padang! Join us now to make history!
Free National Day Celebrations Fun Pack and limited edition "I was part of the largest human Singapore flag" umbrellas.
Enjoy the NDP and its pre-show armed forces segment 'live' on a large LED screen at the Padang.

More details at http://www.youngntuc.org.sg/nationalday/index.asp