Sunday, December 30, 2007

What will 2008 be like?

Can't stop the teacher in me from re-appearing ever so often...especially since I'm preparing for J1 lectures now...
In case you haven't noticed, the Straits Times has been churning out a number of 'goodbye 07, hello 08' stories...other than reminding you of the exciting gp lessons that we've had in the past year, they make for pretty interesting reading and ensure that you can still hold a decent conversation with intelligent people despite being on holiday :) Today's papers also had some fun stories of the best and worst of 07.
Most other magazines (Times, Newsweek etc) also carry stories that round up the year and make predictions for the new year so you might wish to take a peek.

Here are some videos that can entertain you over the new year:
Battle at Kruger - amazing battle b/w buffaloes, tigers and crocodiles:
12 days of Christmas - not as gd as the ny history tutors ha, but pretty cool:
SAF ghost - NS men, blame these folks for the ban on camera phones in camp. This is the top S'pore video on Youtube for the yr. Don't watch if you are easily spooked!

Happy New Year! Wishing all of you a good year ahead!


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