Was griping about and getting upset over a full day meeting and my CCAs for next year when I was distracted by the Straits Times headlines - "Bhutto assasinated in Pakistan" (if you don't know what I'm talking about, it's really time to pick up that newspaper!). That kinda put things into perspective - here I was grumbling about my humdrum and mundane life (where a change of CCA is big news) when there are bigger issues out there...people fighting for survival, for their ideals and their country's stability...for a chance to live my 'mundane life'.
On another note, I attended a JC classmate's wedding yesterday, with the usual catching up and laughing at our old tutors. Someone commented that we haven't really changed after 10 years...hmm, other than the fact that we've all aged, with 2 married and 1 a mother-to-be, character-wise, we are still very much the same. Hopefully we've matured some, given that 3 of us are JC tutors (who are also trying very hard to narrow that ubiquitous generation gap). Sigh, the reality of ageing...
Food for thought: what will you and your classmates be like in 10 yrs' time?!!
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