Thursday, December 27, 2007

Making your holidays a more fruitful one

Since one of the Top 10 most popular New Year's resolutions is to help others, some of you might be interested in volunteering at these places (Joanna, this is especially for you 'cos I remember saying that I'll email this to you but forgot :P).

1. Children's Cancer Foundation (
- I volunteered with them at NUH when I was studying at NUS. Volunteers basically play with the children while they are waiting for treatment. It's pretty heartbreaking to see young children stricken with cancer but it really reminds one of the transience of life and the blessing of good health.

2. Ling Kwang Youth Centre (
- If you are interested in helping youths, this is a good place to start. If you live near the centre, you can be a tutor at the centre on weekdays. They also organise activities for the youths (e.g. mountain climbing) during holidays and weekends and they usually require volunteers to accompany and befriend the teens.

3. Club Rainbow (
- I've always wanted to volunteer at Camp Rainbow but never had the chance. This is an organisation that helps chronically ill children.

I am better at volunteering with children and youths hence the suggestions above. But if you are interested in finding other volunteer opportunities (elderly, disabled, animals etc), you can check out the NVPC website. Most of the charitable organisations in Singapore are listed here:


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