Answer for Just Do It Pg 109 Q6a
Somebody asked me for the answer to this qn so here it is...
A Level 2000
Q6a)"...more and more individuals detached, self-contained and uninvolved". Explain in your own words as far as possible how, in para 9, the author suggests this consequence of Capitalism may be avoided in the future.
Ans: This is actually a paraphrasing qn. Since the quote talks about individuals becoming detached from society, you need to find where the writer discusses how humans can participate more actively in society
So the answer comes from the sentence, 'we shall slowly construct a new code of behaviour which recognises that the human being as an individual is also a social being, and the individual's duty to society and society's duties to the individual have to be held in continual balance.'
The paraphrased answer will be: This consequence of Capitalism may be avaoided if we can create another set of guidelines/rules for our manner/conduct which acknowledges that human beings as a person is also part of the community, and that the person's responsibility to the community and the community's obligations to the person have to be kept in constant equilibrium
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