Have been going through an essay about over-reliance on technology and was discussing the article about fireballs from the sun damaging infrastructure and electrical lines in 2012, wrecking our technology and creating havoc (can't really remember the details ha, but think it's something like that).
Well, guess we don't have to go to that extent to see how technology has affected our lives - a primary school boy came to me today and told me that the toilet bowl at the tuition centre has 'hanged', when he means it was them, anything that's spoilt 'hangs', like a computer!! Oh well, that's the computer/Internet generation for you!

Anyway, for all you free people out there, here's something fun that was covered in NYConnexions. You can create motivational posters of your own on I thought it was real cool...check out my creation!

wanted to use this picture instead, but couldn't save the original from flickr so it turned out really pixelated...but it's a nice pic so have put it up as well...enjoy :)

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